Great post. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for heirloom and open pollinated seeds. If you live close enough you should check out the 3rd annual seed swap we are hosting at Pine Mountain Settlement School on March 16th, or if Pikeville is closer there will be a seed swap at the extension office on April 6th!
You recommend putting on a resume under "languages" or "skills," but the iSchool resume templates have it under Programming Languages. Would you say this is not right?
I fully agree that the main issue when having all English majors take a cultural intersections class is ignorance of other cultures. Despite the fact that a class on other cultures would broaden the horizons of students and force them to learn about people and believes other than their own, which is a wonderful thing, some people do not want to learn about other cultures. Some students believe so strongly in their own religious ideas or heritage that they merely see other ideas as false, ignorant, and wrong. This may make them closed-minded and, therefore, have them come into the class angry that they are forced to take something so offensive to them. Other people may not feel so strongly, but merely apathetic about other cultures, therefore frustrated and annoyed that they have to take a course dealing with subject matter that they just don't care about. They may feel that it is foolish to have to take a course dealing with nothing that affects their own personal lives. So, although it is a wonderful idea having English majors take a course on cultural intersections, one has to realize that some may be offended by or annoyed with having to take such a course dealing with such personal topics.
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